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تاريخ الانضمام: ١٦ مايو ٢٠٢٢


0 {count, plural، =0 {إعجابات مستلمة} =1 {إعجابات مستلمة} other {إعجابات مستلمة} }
0 {count, plural، =0 {تعليقات مستلمة} =1 {تعليق مستلم} other {تعليقات مستلمة} }
0 {count, plural، =0 {أفضل الإجابات} =1 {أفضل إجابة} other {أفضل الإجابات} }

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Category:CNC Software Category:SolidWorks Category:SolidWorks add-onsPosted by Mike Nisbet on With several recent posts I’ve thought I’d take the opportunity to do a series of short posts on the most vexing question in software engineering, the question of how do you manage version control. It is quite a dilemma: it’s hard to get people to adopt version control, yet it’s essential to get them to start so that you can make changes later. What to do? The strategy I’ve been using is very simple: I have three sets of repositories. One set for documents, one for code, and one for application artifacts, such as web pages. We have some collaborative editing going on, so I try to keep the two sets of repositories synchronized as often as possible. The third set is intentionally mostly static, and is just for keeping track of the latest versions of artifacts. It does have one more advantage: it is a single repository that I can query over a web browser. I have a rule that it can’t be changed, which lets me keep a consistent view of what we have done so far, and let me make sure that I’ve not been down a rabbit hole. Once we are done with a change, we commit it to the three repositories. We don’t want to get too bogged down in manual commits. Commitment is for test or documentation only. Once we have a working set of commits, we start building up the next set of artifacts from the previous set. This is especially useful when we are in the middle of the design process. Since I work on a small team, I can certainly deploy to our test servers. If I commit on our development servers, I can be assured that all of the changes will propagate to our test servers without me having to coordinate with anybody. This is very useful for ensuring that our documentation is up to date with what’s happening in code. The key thing to get my team to do is to actually check out from our repositories, and use them to build up new artifacts. Version control is a great tool, and I hope that I’ve convinced my team that they’re worth the effort to learn to use them effectively.Punters have poured $29 million into the Victorian Derby and a $10.2 million field is emerging. The list shows that more

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